Jewellery Care


The below is some information & tips in helping you to understand the differences in Jewellery and how to care for them

As you may be aware, Gilberts Tree has many jewellery products that come from all around the world. In most cases its hard to guarantee what each item is specifically made from.

If you are unsure of what your jewellery is made from, please assume that it is fashion jewellery.


Fashion jewellery can be made from an array of different metals. Some of these metals include alloy, copper, brass, and steel. Fashion jewellery items are usually gold or silver plated.

This kind of jewellery is not made to handle water. To keep fashion jewellery looking its best always keep each jewellery piece clean and dry. Keep away from water, soap, lotions, perfume, cleaners or chemicals. The air around us can also make various metal tarnish.

Fashion jewellery is best stored in a cool, dry place so it is not touching other jewellery or metal types (a small jewellery pouch can be good for this).

Fashion jewellery is usually not made to be worn every day. Therefore, if you wear the same pieces of jewellery on a daily basis, you might see discoloration coming quickly. To preserve its life, change it often by varying the outfits and jewellery pieces you wear.

Another tip is to  clean your fashion jewellery items after wearing. Wipe items down with a soft cloth to remove any product residues and sweat that accelerates oxidation of your jewellery piece.


Because silver in its purest form is very soft, most silver used in jewellery is 92.5% pure combined with another metal, usually copper, to make it more durable.

Sterling silver jewellery can oxidize & tarnish by coming in contact with light, air and humidity. This is a natural process. The extent of this tarnish can depend on many things – the area you live (humidity), your skin type and more. As needed clean your sterling silver jewellery with a jewellery polishing cloth. You may also like to use a sterling silver cleaning cream. Whether using a cream or variyng types of household remedies for cleaning, please unsure you research properly to ensure you don’t damage your items. Also remember that silver is a soft metal and can be easily scratched.


Have you ever wondered why your skin turns green or you have a reaction? It can be a reaction with the acids in your skin (your skin type) and the type of metal in the jewellery, or a reaction between another substance on your skin, such as hand cream and the metal type. Turning your skin green in general isn’t harmful, however some people may experience somewhat of an allergic reaction. An allergic reaction could be symptoms like itchy skin or a rash. If you happen to have a reaction, remove the jewellery straight away. If you have sensitive skin, you may need to look at what types of metal and jewellery items suit you and your skin. Cleaning and taking care of your jewellery items as mentioned above can help in minimising green skin and reactions from wearing your jewellery.